Once again the weather rules our lives. As I watched out my window, it went from sunny to heavy snow and back again in minutes. The wind has been strong, the temps low. Next week it is supposed to be in the 60's. I console myself by remembering that most of the plants are yet to come up, and those that have, are used to Minnesota springs. The birds that have laid eggs hunker down and protect their eggs, those that haven't yet will be fine. I have seen photos of eagles on their nests covered in inches of snow. They just wait it out. So I will wait, however impatiently, for this to blow past.
Just a few days ago, when the sun was shining and the birds singing, I took a short trip to a patch of prairie and was overjoyed to see the Pasque flowers blooming! This seemingly delicate first flower of spring is actually very hardy. It will even push through snow to bloom. Scattered blossoms adorn the hilltop and in a week or two the carpet will fill in and you will not be able to step without danger of squishing them. They are not yet blooming in the village, at least where I have wandered. In the next couple of weeks, in the prairie by St Martins Hall, they should pop up. Low to the ground, fuzzy stems, light purple blossoms. Just step carefully!
The spring migration is flowing strongly. New birds are showing up, snow or not. My feeders are really hopping these cold days. The fox sparrows are digging at the ground. Robins come in flocks to the trees. Blackbirds and Grackles swarm the area. There is a lone mourning dove that stops by once a day. Flocks of Flickers are now moving through the area. The Juncos haven't left yet, perhaps they know that north of here isn't ready for them yet.
The Woodcocks have began their spring courting rituals and can be heard peenting in the dark, if you happen to step outside near an open area. I heard the Barred Owls calling in the woods. There is lots to see and hear, if you can unbundle from the cold weather long enough to look around and listen!
Pasque Flower blooming on the prairie.