COST OF goods & services impacting operating budget

We hope our community of donors can continue to support us this year with the rise in inflation that in turn has increased our operating funding needs by eight percent.

We also require support for this year’s capital projects, which continue to focus on vital building renovations as well as equipment that addresses the ongoing impacts of global warming on the health and security of our community.


Our community has lived without air conditioning in most of its houses and workplaces until just the last few years. Our spring and summers are progressively hotter and more humid, while at the same time our population’s vulnerability has increased with age.

This year we are putting central air in a second house as well as the lower level of St Martins Hall. The hall will allow us and our guests to work and gather socially at all temperatures.

You can see a detailed summary of these and other projects that support our residents with increased vulnerable needs and the renovations required for the safety and security of the community going forward under capital projects on the web site.


We hope you, our community of donors, can participate in our Spring/Summer Pledge Drive. Pledging by July 20th can make all the difference in projecting our fundraising during these challenging economic times — encouraging an increase in donations for those who can give more while helping us forecast any gaps in funding.

To participate, you can call us at 651-334- 4684 or email at Any pledges just have to be received before the end of the 2023 calendar year.

Opening doors to others in the Community

Please also consider opening doors to other individuals, organizations and foundations in the community that you think share a common vision with Camphill Village MN

Thanks to all who give their time, their energy, and their financial support to make the difference in the lives of our villagers and in the well-being of Camphill Village MN.