Camphill Village MN is a life-sharing economic model, where coworkers share life and work with adults with disabilities. Camphill is partially self-supporting. Whether raising our own food or making and selling products and services to the broader community. Camphill is able to meet the majority of our general operating expenses through these different sources of income.Even though we receive funding from county, state, and federal sources Camphill Village MN has chosen licensing that results in a significant reduction in fees serving the disabled compared to similar programs. How can Camphill choose to take in less in government funding compared to other service programs and still remain the quality mainstreaming option for the disabled? This is in part because our staffs are volunteers and we raise the majority of the food on the farm. In addition, 15 percent of the general operating budget and 100 percent of the capital renovations are supported by generous donations from the community at large.

A gift to Camphill Village Minnesota makes a difference in the life and development of a disabled person. A charitable contribution can make these things possible: Giving to general operating & Program Support

  • Individualized work and cultural initiatives that bring empowerment and purpose to our residentsโ€™ lives

  • The option for any disabled individual in Minnesota to live at Camphill Village MN regardless of financial need

  • Continued coworker/staff development support

Maintenance, Conservation, and Renovation

  • Maintenance and improvement of our homes, work, craft, and therapy buildings

  •  The ability to meet increasing high energy costs affecting our utilities and transportation budgets, while decreasing our carbon footprint

  • New capital updates to serve the changing needs of our residents and our programs


  • Our endowment allows us to secure our organization through significant shifts in funding streams as well as any other unexpected emergency.